On The Blog

August 17, 2012


I was blessed to see the movie "Sparkle" on Wednesday. This movie was awesome! It was different from the original, much like most remakes are, but I truly enjoy the story line. It was filled with hope, encouragement and Mike Epps did a wonderful job with the comic relief. The star studded cast wowed me! I now have a new found respect for Jordan Sparks' talents. Oh, and don't let me forget about Tiki Sumpter... Her role was small, but powerful. They all did a wonderful job! Congrats.

Now on to the good stuff! The FASHION WAS AMAZING! Costume designer, Ruth E. Carter, showed out. All of the pieces were timeless. I was truly in love. The 60's were an era where women found their voice in fashion. Think of Marilyn Monroe, Jackie O and Diana Ross because those ladies were the epitome of true fashionistas. We still refer to their style to this day. This movie embodies the big hair, the pin-up girl, winged eyeliner and all the elements of 60's fashion. There was a scene in the movie when Jordan was waiting to speak with a record producer and...I dont want to say too much and spoil the movie for those that haven't seen it, but those clothes were a perfect collage of excellence! I have searched and searched and have yet to find pics of the outfits in which I am speaking of, but people, please go check this movie out because it was amazing!

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